Friday 23 November 2012

Song Lyric: I Will Have No Other Gods Before You

I will have no other gods before You
Only You will reign as my heart's King
I will have no other gods before You
I will put You first in everything

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my might
I want to love You, Jesus

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my might
I want to love You, LORD

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Book Summary 1: Dunia Santet

Shalom. Here is a summary of a very good book I bought in church this month. It is important for us to read this book because we need to know what is going on at the other side (the world of witchcraft) and how to fight them. I'll only share some basic information that I have found in this book that would help us during spiritual warfare. If you want to know further, better buy the book if you understand Indonesian language or comment.

May the LORD cover and protect the author of this book (Daud Tony) and his family in the name of Jesus. May the LORD also cover and protect me and my family for sharing these important information in the name of Jesus. May He surround us with His wall of fire to protect us from the attacks of the devil. May the secrets of the devil be revealed and may the evil one be defeated. In Jesus name, Amen.

Basic Information About Book:

 Picture 1: Dunia Santet by Daud Tony

Title                      : Dunia Santet (The World of Witchcraft)
Author                  : Daud Tony
Publisher              : Bethlehem Publisher
Country                : Indonesia
Year Published      : 2004

About Author:

Picture 2: Ev. Daud Tony

Ev. Daud Tony, is a former 'dukun' (witch) at the highest level, who was the sole heir of black magic and white magic (including science and energy pellets) from four teachers, including the Atmo-Gejek couple. This founder of Dunia Roh Ministry (The Spirit World Ministry) has served in almost all parts of Indonesia through seminars, preaching, teaching VCDs, Spiritual Warfare Praise albums (album Pujian Peperangan Rohani), and best selling books Dunia Roh (The Spirit World), Rahasia Kesembuhan Ilahi (The Secret of Divine Healing), Dunia Malaikat (The World of Angels), Dunia Roh Jahat (The World of Evil Spirits), Dunia Roh Kudus (The World of the Holy Spirit), and many more.

Who is the Atmo-Gejek couple? According to my understanding (so far), they are the grandparents of the author. The grandfather had white magic, while grandmother had black magic. The author inherited both black and white magic. His grandparents were the strongest unbeatable couple in the world of witchcraft (in Indonesia) and were never defeated except for once by the Word "Hallelujah!' Isn't that amazing? The author himself once tried to cast a spell on one of God's servants, Gilbert Lumoindong but he was defeated and lost his memory for a whole year! He was cured after he met the LORD Jesus and began writing this book.

Why must we read this book? Because we do not know much about what is going on in the world of witchcraft and this author was once part of it before he met the LORD. This book will reveal some secrets of how to defeat witchcraft as followers of Christ. Strictly for Christians only! As for Christians who can understand Indonesian, make sure you read this book. You have nothing to lose. =)

 Main Contents of the Book:

  1. Basic level witchcraft
  2. The curses of a basic level witchcraft
  3. The characteristics of a basic level witchcraft attack
  4. Facing basic level witchcraft
  5. How to minister to victims of basic level witchcraft
  6. Fill the mind with praise and God's Word
  7. Denomination in witchcraft
  8. Defeating intermediate level witchcraft
  9. Highest level witchcraft
  10. Highest level witchcraft in the rural area
  11. Non-witchcraft attacks in the rural area
  12. Facing the highest level of witchcraft

What is "santet" (which is referred to as witchcraft in this post)?

A "santet" (later referred to as witchcraft) includes a sender, a mediator and a receiver. The sender is the "dukun" (witch) himself, the mediator is in the supernatural world, and the receiver is the victim who is cursed to die.

1. Basic Level Witchcraft

The main characteristics of basic level witchcraft is that objects (such as needles, hair, photo, etc.) are the mediators for basic level witchcraft .

 2. The Curses of Basic Level Witchcraft

The risk of basic level witchcraft is if it fails, the victim will not die but the witch and the client will die instead.

However if succeed, the client (and also the witch) will be cursed. The client will be cursed for 7 generations. It is known as the "blood curse" (kutukan darah).

What is the "blood curse"?
i.   The children or the family of the client will be destroyed.
ii.  Somebody in the family will get ill or die every year.
iii. Bankruptcy

Other curses:
i.   Curse of bad luck
ii.  Curse of accident
iii. Miscarriage for children or grandchildren

3. The Characteristics of a Basic Level Witchcraft Attack

i.   Only can attack people at half a meter above the ground (that is why it couldn't attack people 
     who sleep on the floor.
ii.  Can't attack happy, humorous people who often laugh.
iii. Can't attack happy/loving/harmonious family.

How they attack?
The sender (witch) transfers the mediator (object) into the supernatural world and sends it into the victim's body. After it enters the victim's body, the sender transfers it back into the real world. That is how objects such as nails (paku), needles, broken glass, etc enter victim's body.

4. Facing (Detecting) Basic Level Witchcraft

Before we minister to people, we first must find out if they are really attacked by basic level witchcraft. Here are 7 ways to detect basic level witchcraft.
i.   Explosion at the roof/door/window of the victim's house (when the mediator was sent) 
     without any signs of damaged/fallen objects.
ii.  Big red fireball heading towards victim's house at around 10 pm, 12 am, 1 am, or 2 am.
     The colour of the fire is similar to the colour of charcoal fire and from a distance, we can see
     a fiery tail.
iii. Due to radiation, plants around the victim's house will begin dying.
iv.  A part of the victim's body will swell and the disease cannot be detected by the doctors.
v.   Victim will encounter spirits of the dead (actually they are evil spirits that disguise
     themselves as the dead).
vi. From the eyes of the victim, we can see emptiness but with the reflection of extreme hatred.
     The eyes of Christians have the light of God. Victims dare not look into our eyes.
vii.The aura. Not everyone can see aura. Only believers of Christ with gifted eyesight or
     non-believers with sixth sense or third-eye power can see the aura.

5. How to Minister to Victims of Basic Level Witchcraft

Can Christians be victims of basic level witchcraft?
No, if we live according to God's way we can't be victims of basic level witchcraft.

Christians that can be victims:
i.   Christians with social/character problems (living a sinful life).
ii.  Christians that drink alcohol/drunkard.
iii. Christians who smoke.

How do we minster to victims?
i.    Victims must accept Christ as God and Saviour (must say it orally to declare it to the devil).
      If they do not accept Christ, the demon will come back to the victim with more of his "gang."
ii.   Worship God by praying in tongues (praying in the spirit) or singing praises to God.
      -    Do not cast out demons by praying in tongues. The demons do not understand. Use our
           normal "human" language by using the name of Jesus. If we want to know the technique,
           we must read the Dunia Roh Jahat book.
      -    We pray in tongues for the presence of God.
      -    Lay our hands at the affected area and cast out all the evil spirits in the name of Jesus.
iii.  Guide with God's Word
      -    Teach victim to depend on God, not depend on us.
      -    We must teach victim to pray in the name of Jesus, guide them to accept Jesus, teach
           them God's Word, and bring them to church to set them completely free.

6. Fill the Mind with Praise and God's Word

-    There is power in Praise.
-    The combination between God's Word and Praise in spiritual warfare is very effective.
-    Praise God with enthusiasm at all times
     >    so that our minds will not be empty.
     >    if our minds are not empty, we cannot be attacked by the intermediate level witchcraft.
     >    a Christian with an empty mind can be attacked by hipnotism.

-    Therefore fill our mind with good thoughts and meditate upon God's Word day and night.
-    Philippians 4: 8
     Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever
     is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy
     - think about such things.
-    Joshua 1: 8
     Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may
     be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 

7. Denomination in Witchcraft

-    Intermediate level witchcraft is well known with voodoo.
-    There are certain denominations in the intermediate level witchcraft. In Indonesia, there are
     2 main denominations:
     i.   Eyang Badrohoyo (Semar)
     ii.  Nyi Roro Kidul (Ratu Kidul Pantai Laut Selatan)
-   The main point here is not the name of the denominations. The main point here is if a group
    of witches from different denominations come together to perform their practices, they do not
    fight or quarrel but if a group of pastors from different denominations come together to serve
    the LORD, they argue or quarrel. Why? Because Satan doesn't want to allow the churches to
    unite. Therefore be careful with the lies of the devil.

8. Defeating Intermediate Level Witchcraft

Step 1: God's Word
-    John 8: 31-32
     To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my
     disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
-    Give victim a firm foundation in God's Word. Guide victim to put his hope in the LORD.
     Teach him first the basics of God's Word because victims of intermediate level witchcraft are
     usually confused because their souls are under attack. Their minds and emotions are
     confused. Teach them that all things are possible to God.
-    It is important for victim to know Jesus and to accept Him as his Saviour.

Step 2: Spiritual Warfare
-    Teach victim how to fight spiritual battles. Victim MUST know how to fight spiritual battle on
     his own because we can't watch him 24 hours a day. Evil spirits for the intermediate level
     witchcraft can return to victim anytime they like. Therefore it is important for victims to learn
     how to fight their own battles.
-    Ephesians 6: 12
     For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
     against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
-   Explain that the name of Jesus is a very powerful name. Explain that we can cast out demons
     in the name of Jesus. Teach them to say, "In the name of Jesus, demons get out!"
-   Guide victim to submit himself to the true and living God.
-   James 4: 7
    Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Step 3: Positive Thinking
-    Teach victim to think positively by filling his mind with prayer, praise and God's Word (fill
     thoughts with peaceful and positive thinking).
-   Teach victim to think positively without panic or stress. If victim sees something undesirable
    or scary (illusion), teach him not to fear. Tell him that God is powerful and can defeat the
    demons (or whatever the victim is seeing). Slowly explain that it is the lies of the devil.
-   1 John 4: 4
     You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is
     greater than the one who is in the world.
-   Manifestation usually happen when victim is not with a Christian. Why? Because when there
    is a Christian, the spirit will hide himself.

 Step 4: Recreation
-    Take victim out to relax his mind. It takes a long time to deliver an intermediate level
     witchcraft victim.
-   Why? Because the victim's soul (mind and emotion) is being attacked. Therefore, we need
    to take time to help relax his mind.
-   Proverbs 10: 12
    Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.

9. Highest Level Witchcraft

-    Also known as heritage witchcraft (santet pusaka), which involve the usage of inheritance or
     auspicious object, such as keris, spear, sword, or other weapons.
-    The inherited objects are able to fly on its own and kill the owner's enemies.

10. Highest Level  Witchcraft in the Rural Area

This chapter is about how the author defeated the highest level witchcraft when he was at the rural area. In this chapter, he was attacked by a flying saber (flying in circles) and also by flying urns. He only needed to shout, "In the name of Jesus, all the power of the devil be destroyed!" and all the flying objects fell to the ground. The tribal leader (witch) also came to face him but he also fell to the grown by the name of Jesus.

One important thing that we all must know during spiritual warfare is that we are not the ones fighting but God Himself is taking our place in the battle. God is the one fighting for us. Hallelujah! Praise God! Remember that!

11. Non-witchcraft Attacks in the Rural Area

The people in the rural area wanted the author to stay in their village because he had defeated their tribal leader by the name of Jesus. They used satanic (but non-witchcraft) ways to try to make him stay. He shared about how he overcame temptations such as power, sex, and other temptations. He defeated the temptations by simply praising God at all times until the villagers gave up and accepted Christ.

12. Facing the Highest Level of Witchcraft

In order to face the highest level of witchcraft and all other witchcrafts, we must believe in Jesus and accept Him as our LORD and Saviour. We must be filled by the Holy Spirit. That is the only way to defeat the highest level and all other levels of witchcraft.

Here are 5 characteristics of the highest level witchcraft:
i.    In the basic level, witches send big red dim fire-balls to the victim. In the highest level, they
      send small bright fire-balls (ping pong size or smaller).
ii.   There will be an explosion when the spell is sent.
iii.  Aims the heart, brain or neck of victim.
iv.  Victims dies within 5 minutes.
v.   Without territory - no matter where the victim goes, victim can still be attacked.